Graph Description It Remain Elevated Then Well Supress and Rose Again

Useful phrases to interpret a graph

Equally every graph tells a story, the creator has to be a expert story teller. She or he needs bones knowledge in creating and interpreting the graphs produced. Also the person trying to understand the story, needs some basic knowledge about graphs. Otherwise reading a graph is like reading a text in a foreign language.

Introducing …

I'd like y'all to await at … This graph shows…
Allow me prove you lot … The diagram outlines…
Allow'due south have a look at … This table lists…
Let's turn to… This nautical chart represents…
To illustrate my signal permit's look at… This chart depicts…
As you can encounter from these… This chart breaks downwardly…
If you look at … you lot'll come across/observe/sympathise…

Some vocabulary you lot need to know:

To go upwardly: increase, rise, rocket, climb, lift, grow, go upward, bound, surge, shoot upward, soar, rocket, a rising, an increase, growth, an upwardly/rising/increasing trend, an improvement, a jump, a surge, extend, aggrandize, push/put/step upward, progression
To go downward subtract, drib, decline, autumn, go downwards, slump, plummet, a fall, a decrease, a decline, a downward/falling/decreasing trend, a slump
No change Remain stable/constant/steady at, stay at the aforementioned level, stabilize, keep stable, hold constant
Indicating a modify of management level out/off, stand at, stop falling/rising, stop falling and kickoff rising, stop rise and kickoff falling, change
Frequent change Fluctuate, fluctuation
At the top Achieve a peak, elevation, reach its/their highest point
At the bottom Reach/striking a low (indicate), striking/reach its/their lowest point

Alter tin can be described concerning their change:

caste dramatic(ally), vast(ly), huge(ly), a lot, significant(ly), considerable/ly, moderate(ly), slight(ly), substantial(ly), a little
speed rapid(ly), quick(ly), swift(ly), gradual(ly), gentle/ly, fiddling by little, slow(ly), quiet(ly)

Some prepositions for describing elements in a graph

Prepositions A rising FROM x TO y
AN Increase OF 5 % IN kestrel sightings

How well can you lot read graphs?

Try your skills:

Watch this 8-minute -video to larn more than about vocabulary to use for interpreting graphs.

Getting to know the vi Analysis Steps to interpret a graph

Let´s go on with our case of mice and kestrels from the previous chapter.

In our example Roy counted how many kestrels and how many field mice are in a field. For many years he notes the numbers in his diary. He produced this line chart.


Allow´s try to interpret this example carefully.

Analysis i: Reading basics

Kickoff you take to read the labels and the legend of the diagram. What does it visualize?

In our example…

  • x-Centrality: You tin read what years the animals have been sighted.
  • y-Axis: Yous can read the numbers of sightings.
  • Blue line: The number of sighted kestrels.
  • Light-green line: The number of sighted field mice.

And so this diagram visualises how many kestrels and field mice have been sighted over the years by Roy.

Assay two: Reading of import numbers

First we have to read the most of import points. Important points are peaks, lows, turning points and intersection points.

In our example…


  • 1952: A superlative of the mice line and a low of the kestrel's line. A turning point for both lines.
  • 1954: An intersection point between the kestrel's line and mice line.
  • 1962: A low signal of the mice line and a highpoint for the kestrel's line. A turning point for both lines.

Analysis 3: Define trends

Now information technology is important to define all significant trends.

In our example…

Sightings of kestrels:


  • From 1950 to 1952 they drop.
  • Since 1952 they rise steadily.
  • Since 1962 they drop slightly again.

Sightings of field mice:


  • From 1950 to 1952 they rise significantly.
  • Since 1952 they drib significantly.
  • Since 1954 they drib much slower.
  • Since 1962 they rising again slowly.

Assay 4: Compare trends

Knowing the trends, we can compare them, to find out differences and relations.
Are at that place common trends?
Is in that location a pattern?

In our case…


  • When there are many sightings of field mice, there are fewer sightings of kestrels.
  • When there are many sightings of kestrels, there are fewer sightings of field mice

Analysis 5: Analyse trends

Finally nosotros can plant hypotheses how the data is related. These hypotheses have to be questioned and assessed.

In our case…

A) "Mice swallow kestrels. Therefore there are many kestrels when there are less mice."

  • According to our diagram this is possible. Merely: We know that mice do not eat kestrels.

B) "The kestrels hunt the mice. Therefore in that location can only be a lot of mice when there are fewer kestrels."

  • Mice are typical food for kestrels. This hypothesis could exist correct.

C) "The Mice hide from the kestrels. When there are many kestrels to run into, we cannot meet many mice."

  • Prey animals often shelter from their hunters. Too this hypothesis could be correct.

D) "The relation between sightings of kestrels and mice is simply a translucent connection. The numbers of sightings have very unlike reasons."

  • Very oft there are only translucent connections. In that location tin can exist many reasons why Mr. Varney sights a certain number of animals each twelvemonth. Besides this hypothesis could exist correct.

Assay 6: Predict a development

Based on the development of the diagram and the established hypothesis we can predict future developments of the diagram.
But be conscientious: Predictions are always simply speculations!

In our example…


  • Towards the end the lines become closer again. If they keep like that there will exist an intersection at some point.
  • In the coming years at that place might be more than sightings of mice than kestrels.


A diagram helps to draft a hypothesis. To check a hypothesis very often you need to practise an experiment. Based on a diagram, graph or chart we can predict a development in the hereafter. But we accept to be aware that it is only a prediction.

This instance nigh kestrels and mice has been published past courtesy of

Concept and graphs by writer Martin Forster.
Notation: Some words in the graphs have been deleted to brand it suitable for international use. Arrows to explain graphs have been added.
Some text has been changed slightly to suit the audience of explainwell.european union.

Yous tin find the original nether:
Serlos work is under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

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